Monday, 26 June 2017

Maths Measuring

Today we brought out favourite teddy or soft toy to school. At maths time, we measured our teddies to see how long they were. We made sure we started at their feet and went all the way to the top of their heads. Leonard's had the longest teddy. It was 52 cubes long!! Zara had the shortest teddy. It was 5 cubes long. Great measuring and counting Room 11!!

Monday, 12 June 2017

Our visit to The MTG Museum

The children loved the trip to the museum last Friday. The bus trip was a highlight. There were so many olden day things for them to experience.  It makes you appreciate the advances in technology that make our lives easier!! Here are some photos from the trip. Your children will be able to talk about the photos with you. Thank you to those parents who were able to come with us.
 Getting dressed up.

 Gorgeous girls doing a curtsy.

 Handsome boys bowing.

Making a candle using beeswax.

 Old fashioned writing. 

 Horseshoe quoits. 

 Churning the cream to make butter.

 Vacuuming the floor one spot at a time.

 Scrubbing the clothes. 

 Using the heavy metal irons. 

 An old fashioned bath.

 Knucklebones and marbles were a favourite.


Using the old fashioned sewing machine.       Turning the handle.

Practising cursive writing.

The gramophone played olden days music.